[Fredslist] Connecticut Resources in the Wake of Sandy

Katalin Goencz katalin at medbillsassist.com
Mon Nov 5 07:46:31 EST 2012

There is a good set of information below for CT residents whom are effected
by storm Sandy


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 News from State Senator Carlo Leone




November 2, 2012

Capitol address
Legislative Office Building
Room 3602
Hartford, CT 06106-1591

E-mail me <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/Leone-mailform.php> 

On the Web
www.SenatorLeone.cga.ct.gov <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/leone.php> 

Toll-free: 1-800-842-1420

Getting Help in the Wake of Superstorm Sandy
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
 damaged carpeting from storm Sandy
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
In the midst of all the damage and upheaval many people are experiencing as
a result of this awful storm, it is important to document your damage and to
seek as much insured compensation for your losses as possible. In addition
to what your own insurance can do, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) also provide
disaster recovery assistance.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
FEMA, the SBA and the State of Connecticut have some very helpful and
meaningful advice for those homeowners and businesses who may never have
experienced losses of this magnitude before.

Disaster Declarations
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
As you may know, Governor Malloy requested, and President Obama immediately
granted, declarations of an expedited major disaster in Connecticut for
Fairfield, New Haven, Middlesex and New London Counties in the aftermath of
Hurricane Sandy. This declaration paves the way to provide assistance to
individuals, businesses and nonprofits for a variety of disaster-assistance
services and programs.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
In the coming days, state officials and FEMA will be conducting damage
assessments to determine if additional counties may be eligible for
assistance. Residents and businesses in the non-declared counties
(Litchfield, Hartford, Tolland and Windham) should dial 2-1-1 to report
their damage.

What is FEMA's Disaster Assistance?
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
 Sandy-damaged house
<http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/sandy-porchL.jpg> Disaster
assistance is financial or direct assistance to individuals and families
whose property has been damaged or destroyed as a result of a federally
declared disaster, and whose losses are not covered by insurance. It is
meant to help you with critical expenses that cannot be covered in other
ways <http://www.fema.gov/disaster-assistance-available-fema> . This
assistance is not intended to restore your damaged property to its condition
before the disaster.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
According to FEMA, if you have insurance you must also file a claim with
your insurance company. The state Insurance Commissioner advises that if you
have not already contacted your insurance agent to file a claim, you should
do so as soon as possible. Failure to file a claim with your insurance
company may affect your eligibility for assistance.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
There are three ways to apply for disaster assistance from FEMA:

*	Apply online at DisasterAssistance.gov
*	Apply via a smartphone at m.fema.gov
*	Apply by phone: Call 800-621-3362
*	Call TTY 800-462-7585 for people with speech or hearing disabilities

Whether applying online at DisasterAssistance.gov from your computer or
smartphone, or over the phone through a FEMA call center, you should have a
pen and paper and the following information ready:

*	Your Social Security number
*	Current and pre-disaster address
*	A telephone number where you can be contacted
*	Insurance information
*	Total household annual income
*	A routing and account number from your bank (only necessary if you
want to have disaster assistance funds transferred directly into your bank
account.) Lookup your bank routing number
<http://www.fededirectory.frb.org/search.cfm> .
*	A description of your losses that were caused by the disaster

Assistance for Small Businesses and Nonprofits
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
 small business damage flood remediation
<http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/sandy-recordsR.jpg> The U.S.
Small Business Administration (SBA) is committed to providing the people of
Connecticut with federal disaster loans; getting businesses and communities
up and running after a disaster is their highest priority.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
Small businesses in the disaster declaration counties mentioned above are
eligible for both Physical and Economic Injury Disaster Loans
s-loans/disaster-loans/types-disaster-loans>  from the SBA. Small businesses
and most private nonprofit organizations in the other communities in the
state are eligible to apply only for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via
SBA's secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela.

Regarding Insurance
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
Connecticut homeowners will not face higher-cost hurricane deductibles
resulting from the impact of this week's damaging storm. In the wake of
Tropical Storm Irene, I helped pass into law new criteria that insurers must
meet before imposing a higher hurricane deductible. Based on data from the
National Weather Service, Storm Sandy did not meet the statutory criteria
and therefore "companies may not impose a hurricane deductible on
Connecticut claims."
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
The state Insurance Department offers the following tips when filing claims:

*	Contact your insurer as soon as possible
*	Take photos of the damage
*	DO NOT make permanent repairs until your insurer has inspected the
*	Keep a diary of all contacts and conversations with your insurer
*	If you can still live in the home, talk with your agent about
critical repairs that need to be made. Whether you make the repairs or hire
someone, save the receipts for your claim
*	If you need to find other lodging, keep records of expenses and all
receipts. Homeowner's and renter's insurance generally provide limited
coverage for expenses like meals, rent, utility installation and
*	Your carrier will send an insurance adjuster to survey the damage at
no cost to you. Public adjusters may offer the same services, but you would
be responsible for any related fees. Check to be sure they are licensed with
the Insurance Department
*	Do not feel rushed or pushed to agree on a settlement. If there are
disagreements, try to resolve them with your insurer. If you cannot reach an
agreement, the Connecticut Insurance Department can help you decide if
arbitration or mediation is an option
*	Your full claim may come in multiple payments. The first will likely
be an emergency advance and may include additional living expenses. The
payment for your personal property and any additional living expenses will
be made out to you. Payments for the structure may be payable to you and
your lien holder if there is a mortgage on your home
*	Even after settling your claim, if you think of items that were not
in your initial loss list, contact your insurance company. Unless the
company has paid the entire limit for the coverage of those types of items,
it is possible the company will make an additional payment
*	If your damages exceed the amount of your coverage, federal agencies
will occasionally provide grants or low-interest loans to assist with
recovery following major disasters

For Those Who Want to Help
 - <http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/1p.gif> 
 disaster relief
<http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/disasterreliefR.jpg> Cash is
best: the best way to support survivors of Sandy is to make a financial
contribution to trusted organization. Please read these tips on donating and
volunteering responsibly
<https://edit.fema.gov/volunteer-donate-responsibly> .

Give blood: numerous blood drives have been canceled as a result of the
storm and the Red Cross has a need for blood donations. To schedule a blood
donation or for more information about giving blood or platelets, visit
redcrossblood.org <http://www.redcrossblood.org/>  or call 1-800-RED CROSS



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Copyright (C) 2012 Connecticut Senate Democrats. All rights reserved.




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