[Fredslist] FW: Progress but we still need help

Catherine Patsos cgpatsos at healthcarelawllc.com
Mon Nov 5 08:22:34 EST 2012

Below is an email from Community Access, a non-profit organization for which I serve as the Board Vice President.  Community Access does amazing work providing housing and support services for homeless mentally ill adults and low income individuals and families.  Most of their tenant buildings are in lower Manhattan, including the old Gouveneur Court along the FDR Drive, and were very hard it by Sandy.  They have enough in-kind donations to serve their emergency needs, but need monetary donations to help clean up the devastation left in Sandy’s wake.  Please help if you can.





Catherine G. Patsos

The Law Office of Catherine G. Patsos, LLC

245 Park Avenue, 24th Floor

New York, NY 10167

Phone:  (212) 803-8193

Fax:        (212) 792-4001

Mobile: (917) 319-3163

Email:      <mailto:cgpatsos at healthcarelawllc.com> cgpatsos at healthcarelawllc.com

 <http://www.healthcarelawllc.com/> www.healthcarelawllc.com 

 <http://www.patsoshealthlawblog.com/> www.patsoshealthlawblog.com 

 <http://www.facebook.com/patsos.healthcarelawllc> www.facebook.com/patsos.healthcarelawllc



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From: Steve Coe, Community Access [mailto:community.access.nyc=gmail.com at mail19.us2.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Steve Coe, Community Access
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 5:14 PM
To: =?utf-8?Q??=
Subject: Progress but we still need help


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Community matters most...

Dear Friends,

We extend heartfelt thanks to all of you who responded to our call for help.  Thankfully, on Friday and Saturday, power was restored in all nine of our buildings in Lower Manhattan where several hundred tenants were living without heat and electricity after the storm.  Environmental clean up crews from Alabama and South Carolina are now working at three sites that were badly flooded. 

We continue to provide extra support to the individuals and families who live in all of our buildings—many of whom are senior citizens, individuals recovering from psychiatric disabilities, and people with special needs.


Because of your generous donations after Hurricane Sandy, the tenants were given food baskets, warm meals, blankets and other critically needed items.  Our emergency need for food has passed.  Thank you for your support.

As you will see from the photos we are sharing on Facebook below, the storm has destroyed and damaged facilities to the extent that it will take months of hard work to build, repair and recover.  Your financial support would be greatly appreciated as we move forward to restore all our programs.   <http://communityaccess.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=06f01110b2bebf715c1a23a0b&id=194b239871&e=6b6342744e> You can make a tax deductible contribution online by clicking here.

A special thank you to the dozens of individuals and families in New York and caring neighbors around the country (including the Girl Scouts in Kentucky!) who have reached out to help during this challenging time.  We are grateful to everyone for their deeds, thoughts, and prayers.

All the best,


Steve Coe
Chief Executive Officer

Our GC building's kitchen and pantries suffered massive flooding.

MasterChef, Luca Manfe, and his wife Cate helped out by preparing a hot meal for tenants on Thursday.



We have a lot of work to do...


Community Access is one of New York City’s oldest and largest nonprofits dedicated to providing housing, education, job training, hot meals, counseling, pet therapy, and art workshops for New Yorkers overcoming mental illness and homelessness.


Our mailing address is:

Community Access, Inc.

2 Washington Street

9th Floor

New York, NY 10004


Copyright (C) 2012 Community Access, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                                            

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Community Access, Inc. · 2 Washington Street · 9th Floor · New York, NY 10004 



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