[Fredslist] Gotham Luncheon Takes The Cake

Linda Queenie Newman lindarnewman at verizon.net
Sat Mar 31 12:10:30 EDT 2007

Good Afternoon Along the Network,
Please see report from Applicant and Friar Carol Scibelli.
You had to be there...
Linda, Co-Chair 
Gotham Open Housie
Linda R. Newman
Third Generation Insurance Broker
lindarnewman at verizon.net
www.ssfinsurance.com <http://www.ssfinsurance.com/>  


From: CScibelli at aol.com [mailto:CScibelli at aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 8:08 PM
To: lindarnewman at verizon.net
Subject: Gotham Luncheon Takes The Cake

  My application is still not stamped "approved" yet on March 29th I had the
nerve to wander into Gotham's Open House luncheon so late I was just in time
to see Fred's birthday cake rolling in. 
   Queenie caught me at the door and let me slip in and even order the
chicken chow mein, although I'm still suspecious that my plate was made from
leftovers. Who could tell with  chow mein?  
    I tried to blend and sing "Happy Birthday"  pretending I was there from
the start, but eagle eye Fred knew better.  He announced to all that I was
in the room and that he was insulted. I publically begged for forgiveness
and offered to kiss his ring even though he wasn't wearing one.  Instead, he
graciously allowed me to introduce myself and state my case.  I pathetically
explained I was late because I was in a meeting with my lawyer, a man whose
rates are low, but he speaks real slow.  
   Even though I was at the meeting for fourteen minutes I made two terrific
contacts, gave someone else a lead and weasled my way over to Richard Klein
to sign up to play softball on Gotham's Batmen team.
    Networker of the year for 2006, Kelly Welles approached me and suggested
we get together and discuss the possibility that my book "Poor Widow Me" may
have secondary market for people who are dealing with financial planning.
Great timing.  I'm in the process of tweaking the marketing part of my
    Steven Pinsky is working on a humor book about climbing the corporate
ladder and was about to give up on the legitamate publishing world and self
publish, but I gave him the name of an editor at Kensington, my buddy, Gary
Goldstein.  That felt wonderful.
    And, an super talented, Yao-Hui Huang who designs websites,
(www.gigapixelcreative.com) approached me to help write and punch up her
     All in all, it was an extremely productive 14 minutes.  I can't wait to
show up on time and see what happens! 
Visit me at: http://www.poorwidowme.blogspot.com/ 


See what's free at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503> . 

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