
Geraldine Newman

Group Affiliations:

Gotham Member

Geraldine Newman

315 East 72nd Street, New York, New York, 10021

E-mail: geraldinenewman@me.com

Phone: 212.988.3395, 917-838-2503

Company: Geraldine Newman Communications / NEWTHYNK

Position: President, Creative Director

  • work-phone 212.988.3395, 917-838-2503
  • mail-address geraldinenewman@me.com
  • mobile
  • location 315 East 72nd Street

Award winning Creative Director, Writer, StoryTeller, Brand builder - successful inventor - Seminar Leader. Extensive experience in communication, having been VP at major advertising agencies Young & Rubicam and Backer Spielvogel Bates, created campaigns for products as diverse as cosmetics to cars, banks to beverages, fashion, fitness, food, travel, real estate and perfume - commercials, campaigns, infomercials and DR spots for The Firm, Kodak, General Foods, Helene Curtis, Johnson & Johnson, M&M Mars (US and International), Campbell's Soups, Hyundai Cars, Gulf Oil, Air Jamaica, Time Life, P&G, Norelco, and the very successful Buns of Steel exercise video series. Advertising awards include Clio, ANDY, One Show, CEBA, ASTRID and ERA. Inventions include the successful exerciser, Zone Pilates. Available for brainstorming sessions, consulting, seminars.


Brand Development
We tell your story
Testimonial video
Thinktank sessions
Creative-think coaching

Business Category: Advertising Services

Website: http://www.newthynk.com  

Good Lead: Anyone or company with a product or service that needs to differentiate - which means everyone.