Mark Foley

Group Affiliations:

Gotham Member

Mark Foley

38 East 37th Street, #64, New York, NY, 10016


Phone: 917.648.8154

Company: The Folson Group

Position: President

  • work-phone 917.648.8154
  • mail-address
  • mobile
  • location 38 East 37th Street, #64

Mark Foley is President and co-founder of The FolSon Group, Co-op & Condo cost management and efficiency experts. Specialist in cutting costs and increasing cash flow to keep maintenance costs down and property values up. Additionally, Mr. Foley is the President of Pendo LLC, an investment advisory he co-founded in February of 2007. Mr. Foley has over 25 years experience in the financial industry. At Pendo, Mark is a generalist conducting fundamental bottom-up research. He is a member of the firm’s investment committee which makes all investment decisions, and he also leads the firm’s economic research. His research and market commentaries are distributed by Advice IQ and appear regularly in several forums including, Business Insider, Morningstar, Motley Fool and the Greater New York Mensa Newsletter. Mark began his career with Shearson Lehman Hutton in 1988, and prior to co-founding Pendo had extensive investment experience, focusing on value investing and research. He has also served as an independent consultant specializing in financial institutions, working with many of the industry's largest banks and wire houses. Mark is actively involved as a mentor, and has also been an invited guest speaker for the Executive MBA Programs of both UNH and Pace University.


The Folson Group is your partner in making your NYC co-op or condo building the best it can be.
Our team of experts provides an objective analysis of your building’s financial situation and develops a comprehensive plan to lower expenses and increase your property’s value. We work with you to implement that plan and make sure that it is executed flawlessly so that you can focus your time on other important aspects of your professional or personal life.
Services include Project Management, Financial Consulting, Local Law and Energy Compliance and finding a complementary and appropriate Managing Agent for your building.

Business Category: Real Estate Residential


Good Lead: Co-op and condo boards, and other trusted advisors who work with boards.
