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Crysti Farra
Posted By : Crysti Farra

...come in many forms.  I would like to offer a new opportunity to our wonderful Gothamites.   A new Long Island Dinner Group is set to kick off on April 29th! Come one come all, ride the circuit. Join old friends, make new friends and explore all that is the best about Gotham. Help Shawn Bernabeu.  Carly Hariton and I, along with Nancy Schess and

Crysti Farra
Holiday's are for family time
Posted By : Crysti Farra

As we approach the holidays, whichever you may celebrate, the one common denominator is family...always has been, hopefully always will be.   So, spend time away from your career - body AND mind - smell the Folger's coffee brewing (still one of my favorite holiday commercials) - watch the snow fall while you sit by a cozy fire drinking hot chocolat

Crysti Farra
Sometimes life hits fast and hard...
Posted By : Crysti Farra

Just when you thought things were in cruise mode...BAAAMMM .... out of the blue life can deal you a wicked hand.   However, when this happens, you instantly know who your friends are.  The ones who support you and encourage you.  I have many such friends in Gotham.  I am also fortunate to have a very supportive family.  So in this instance, I was c

Crysti Farra
Wasted opportunities
Posted By : Crysti Farra

In life, we all have regrets...things we should have done / anticipated that we did not.     We all have the ability to make the life of someone else brighter just by a kind word, just by reaching out when you know they are down.  Never let an opportunity to show concern for others pass you by.  You never know when one contact from anyone will make

Crysti Farra
Posted By : Crysti Farra

Yesterday I celebrated 10 years of practicing under my own shingle. It has zoomed by! (That term takes on a whole new meaning these days) Looking back, I recognized what I had known all along...I did not do this alone. I had some great mentors and so many great colleagues who have trusted me to handle their clients needs.  I also have a phenomenal

Crysti Farra
Summer is winding down
Posted By : Crysti Farra

As we close out the hot months, we all still need cold libations with great friends that we have made through networking connections.      Join Fred and I tonight....   Buoy Bar 72 Bayside Drive Point Look Out, NY  11569   6:00 - 8:00   This is a pay as you go event but you can sign up (email or just show up!

Crysti Farra
Traveling Fears in the face...
Posted By : Crysti Farra

I am struck with more than the usual traveling fears.  My fears normally center around my clients being taken care of? Missing a deadline while out of the office for an extended time. Are my employees overworked trying to cover for me?  How is my 100.9 year old mother-in-law going to fare while we are gone?  The normal white noise that all self emp

Crysti Farra
Commute or not commute, that is the question
Posted By : Crysti Farra

Do you have the option to work remotely and/or in person? I work from home 2 days per week, if I choose, but work in the office the other 3-5 days.  While I find I am more productive in the office, I also enjoy the comradery of my coworkers.  However, that couple of days a week at home allow me to handle some things around the house that I would no

Crysti Farra
Sleep deprivation
Posted By : Crysti Farra

As I post this blog, late with apologies, I realized that I am one day behind, thinking today was Tuesday.... My work life has always been hectic, and I feel fortunate to have this problem, but at times, it causes me to get behind schedule and stay very late in the office or even work from home into the wee hours.  That being said, this disruption

Crysti Farra
Tired but accomplished and lessons learned
Posted By : Crysti Farra

Having returned late Mother’s Day night from a week long conference in Nashville, a comment made from my significant other made me stop in my tracks and realize my priorities were skewed. As I was going to bed, after getting my goodnight kiss, I cutely asked “Did you missed me at least a little bit?”. The answer, with no hesitation was, “Not really

Crysti Farra
Travel Jinx or entertaining travel partner?
Posted By : Crysti Farra

Every family has one member that is known for something in particular.   I AM THE TRAVEL NIGHTMARE!!!! From late to canceled flights, lost luggage, COVID while traveling, having to sleep overnight in an airport, trajectory of door plugs canceling a full fleet of name it, it has all happened around me! One of the craziest stories to

Crysti Farra
Vacay stress
Posted By : Crysti Farra

If you are like me (and most of the self employed working world) you both look forward to and somewhat dread vacation time.  Why? Because you work like a crazy person before vacation so you can enjoy your time away, knowing when you return you will just have to "rinse and repeat"! We were away for 2 weeks. i spent the first couple of days acclimati

Crysti Farra
Blessed to be Stressed
Posted By : Crysti Farra

As I sit in a hotel room in Woodlawn, MD tonight, preparing for what might be the most consequential meeting of my career, I ponder the meaning of my work. Am I stressed? You bet I am!  Do I work too many hours? Absolutely! Do I have work life balance? Arguably, many would say a resounding NO!  HOWEVER, knowing that as I meet tomorrow with the Comm

Crysti Farra
eMail Jail
Posted By : Crysti Farra

For me, email is my nemesis.  No matter how many I delete, it seems 10 more show up.  I have tried unsubscribing from many services, but they always seem to find a back door in.  The main problem with the "junk" mail, is that it buries my essential business email.  This has ramped up to the point where I ask my clients to not email me, but to call

Crysti Farra
When do you put away your seasonal decos?
Posted By : Crysti Farra

I am curious, because usually I will keep up my Christmas decorations until around January 1, but this particular year, I am sooooo over the holidays that I will be taking it down like, NOW! Maybe this year was too hectic and I did not really get to enjoy the season so I want the vestiges of it gone, maybe I need to clear my space for the new year

Crysti Farra
I write blogs for Gotham, nothing in particular, just whatever enters my scary mind!
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