Paula Oleska

Group Affiliations:

Gotham Member

Paula Oleska

1133 Broadway, Suite 1219, New York, NY, 10010


Phone: 646 554 3461

Company: Natural Intelligence Systems, Inc

Position: Owner, President and CEO

  • work-phone 646 554 3461
  • mail-address
  • mobile 646 554 3461
  • location 1133 Broadway, Suite 1219

I am a best-selling author, Mindset Maverick, Procrastination Wrangler and Motivation Maximizer. Professional women work with me to overcome their lack of confidence and imposter syndrome because most are wasting their time and energy on supporting other and are afraid to step into their own spotlight. So I help them overcome their biggest challenge: owning their power so they can finally focus on themselves and soar in their careers and in their personal lives. Many odd these women are frustrated with other methods that take too long, require too much work and don't produce lasting results. By contrast, my method, Radical Rapid Results with Brain Upgrade, eliminates all the hard work and produces profound and permanent results in record time. Testimonial: “My friend was totally stuck and so rigid you couldn’t move her with a boulder crusher. Her dream was to go and live in her favorite country, and pursue her love of documenting dance traditions. She kept talking about it but never made a move to do it. She felt stuck in a job she didn’t like and was afraid to quit because she needed the money. She also felt trapped in taking care of her elderly mother and didn’t see a solution. Since she’s been working with Paula, I watched her flourish. She got everything! She became a filmmaker and travelled creating her dance documentary. She found a solution for her mother’s care. And she moved to her favorite country! It is very exciting”. LM, medical doctor Through my unconventional career path I was able to discover the missing piece to training effectiveness: the mind/body connection. I have been in private practice in New York City for over 30 years, and I have worked with around 8,000 professionals in five different countries to help them achieve unheard of results in record time. I have also been a speaker at numerous international conferences and my articles have been translated into five languages. My audio program “Your Secret Brain” has been published by Nightingale Conant and is available on Audible. I am currently a member of the Newsweek Expert Forum and several oof my articles have been published on 1. 2. 3. My mission is to unleash people's own Inner Genius so they can have more joy and fulfillment in their lives while eliminating unnecessary straggle and suffering.


My company, Natural Intelligence Systems, Inc., has been providing training that optimize brains to achieve maximum results. These training became popular with the agencies of the New York City Government:
1. Brain Hacks for Eliminating Distractions and Skyrocketing Your Productivity;
2. Brain Hacks for Solving Emotional Problems without Talking About Them for Hours, and
3. Growth Mindset.
These training are available to any company that wants to skyrocket their results and can be delivered remotely or in person.
Please contact

Business Category: Consulting


Good Lead: Women attorneys, doctors, teachers, nurses, coaches and consultants who complain about their bosses, colleagues, workplace conditions and other frustrating factors; Coaches and consultants who are struggling to get clients; New York City and NY State government agencies who want to increase productivity, engagement of employees and implement growth mindset;  Company leaders and HR professionals who want to skyrocket productivity, effectiveness and engagement of the workforce to maximize profits.          

