Jimmy Park

Group Affiliations:

Gotham Member

Jimmy Park

Brooklyn, NY, 11215

E-mail: jimmy.park@opascope.com

Phone: 212-882-1990

Company: Opascope

Position: Partner

  • work-phone 212-882-1990
  • mail-address jimmy.park@opascope.com
  • mobile
  • location


Opascope is a digital marketing agency that is on the forefront of industry leading campaigns that focus on world class strategies and content. All of our clients undergo a thorough audit and an agreed upon go forward strategy to ensure success. At Opascope, we do not force long term contracts and believe that our performance should drive long term relationships.

Business Category: Marketing Services

Website: https://opascope.com/

Good Lead: Companies that are seeking organic and paid marketing campaigns in Google, Meta properites and LinkedIn.  Companies that have marketing budget spends of $50k+/month.