[Fredslist] Seeking a FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST- for a NYC Bid, 3 year Contract. Call me ASAP if you can provide these services & meet the highlighted qualifications

Amparo Connors Amparo at alliedpersonnel.com
Mon Jul 24 17:20:54 EDT 2023

Hello Gotham Members: As a NY City & State Certified M/WBE, I received this bid today. Because the City is pushing to award “small” contracts (under $100K) to Certified Minority owned businesses, particularly Latino & Black owned, I have an edge bidding on this contract. If you know of a Forensic Psychologist who is Board certified “in police and public safety psychology”, please share this with them so they can call me ASAP at 718.261.7979. This bid is due August 7th at 10:00AM, thus we must speak quickly to work out a strategic consultant agreement. Thank you, Amparo

Description of Services: FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST
The New York City Department of Sanitation (“DSNY”) Health Care Facility is an
occupational health facility with a medical staff that evaluates the medical condition(s) of
its uniform and non-uniform employees. Evaluations include fitness for duty, safety,
return-to-work, and pre-employment evaluations.
DSNY is soliciting bids for services of a Forensic Psychologist to provide psychological
screening and examination services. The successful bidder (“the Contractor”) will be
required to assess the psychological stability and suitability of candidates for a career as
a Sanitation Police Officer (approximately 50 per year), fitness for duty assessment on a
current employee (approximately 5 per year), and professional time associated with
candidate appeals (approximately two (2) appeals per year).1 Screenings will be
conducted at the Contractor’s own facilities and/or arranged by the Contractor for each

The Contractor must meet the following criteria by submitting proof of the following with
its bid:
• A New York licensure and a PhD or Psy.D in clinical psychology;
• Board certification in police and public safety psychology awarded by the American
Board of Professional Psychology;
• Has conducted over 5,000 psychological evaluations for law enforcement (i.e., preemployment, fitness for duty, and/or promotional evaluations);
• Memberships in professional organizations which assist psychologists with
assessments, interviews, and selection of police officers, such as the American
Psychological Association Public Service Psychology Division 18, the Society of
Policy and Criminal Psychology, and the International Association of Chiefs of
Police: Police Psychology Services Section; and
• Capacity to conduct the screening and examinations in/on the Contractor’s own
facilities or its equivalent.

Contractor’s Duties and Responsibilities
• Screening and examinations will be conducted in/on the Contractor’s own facilities
or its equivalent.
• The Contractor must be able to accommodate groups of candidates and in many
cases be able to schedule individual candidates within and no more than two (2)
business days from the date of DSNY’s request.
1 If a candidate is disqualified for reasons that, in whole or in part, rely on the Contractor’s assessments and the candidate appeals
the disqualification, the Contractor may be called upon to participate in a formal appeal proceeding. These proceedings may include
hearings, conferences with attorneys, depositions, and other formal interviews. Such proceedings often involve inquiries about the
assessment process, the Contractor’s expertise and qualifications, and the Contractor’s assessments of the candidate’s fitness for a
given position.

• DSNY will notify the Contractor at least twenty-four hours in advance when an
appointment must be cancelled.
• The candidate’s identity (check driver's license, state issued ID, or passport as
proof of identity and spelling of candidate’s name) must be verified when the
Contractor is scheduling, checking-in, and conducting the screening with the
candidate. This is important for many reasons, including but not limited to the
candidate’s safety, protection of privacy, and proper billing.
• The Contractor must double-check to ensure the correct report is written for the
correct candidate every time.
• The Contractor is responsible for notifying DSNY of any new sites to which it will
relocate candidates for the screening and examination. Any new location must be
within New York City.
• The licensed psychologist who conducted the screening and examination must be
available for consultation by phone, e-mail, remote video call, or in person
regarding problems or questions about interpretations of reports submitted to
• The Contractor must send a completed report to DSNY within three (3) business
days after conducting a screening and examination. A completed report is defined
as having:
o A signed affirmation that the candidate’s identify was verified at the time
of the screening and examination and an indication of how the identity
was verified.
o Information regarding:
▪ How the interview was conducted (in person or virtually).
▪ Date of the interview and length of the interview.
o Used at least two (2) objective tests to evaluate each candidate, including
one that is intended to identify police candidates exhibiting job-related
psychopathology, and one or more tests that are geared towards
evaluating other job-related traits. The tests used must be listed and
explained in the report.
o A detailed explanation of findings that includes unique and thorough
description of the candidate-specific psychological evaluation or
o A signed affirmation that the screening and examination was conducted
by the Contractor’s licensed psychologist.

The Contractor will maintain individual records for each candidate with applicable
regulatory requirements. The Contractor will keep all records confidential and in
compliance with applicable federal, State, and local laws. The Contractor will safeguard
all records against destruction or loss. The Contractor will retain all records for a period
of three (3) years following the date of collection. In the event of probable litigation,
DSNY may, in its sole discretion, request that a specific record be retained by the
Contractor for a longer period of time.

Certifications, Licenses, and Permits
The Contractor and its employees must obtain and maintain, for the entire duration of
the Contract, all certifications, licenses, and permits required by federal, State, and local
regulatory agencies. The Contractor will furnish all applicable certifications to DSNY for
work to be performed. In addition, the Contractor must notify DSNY, in writing, of any
changes in these certifications within five (5) calendar days of such change. In the event
that the Contractor loses either the license, permit, or required certification to operate its
business, and is prohibited from conducting services, the Contractor will immediately
notify DSNY by telephone, then in writing, to indicate the reason for the loss. The
Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the psychological screening and examination
services are provided in conformity with the provisions of this Contract and within the
specified time frames. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the licensed
psychologist who conducted the screening and examination for each candidate will
provide expert witness testimony, if necessary, and that all documentation provided and
maintained is in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.

Amparo M .Connors, President
Allied Personnel Services, Inc., Green Staff NY
NY City & State Certified M/WBE
718.261.7979  ~  212.451.0235
amparo at alliedpersonnel.com<mailto:amparo at alliedpersonnel.com>

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