[Fredslist] The Friday Happy Hour was fun and then ...

Shelley Simpson, Esq simpson.shelley at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 12:51:50 EDT 2020

I keep telling you about the Gotham Happy Hour. Since we couldn’t get together in person, it was a nice was to transition on Zoom from one part of the week to another. We started coming together to laugh and chillax and it’s been great fun - a nice, simple Happy Hour. 


Last week it was MAGICAL! This week - thank you Norman Spizz (SPN Productions)- it was MUSICAL! Special guest Willa Bassen, singer/songwriter, composer, musician and producer, entertained us with interesting background stories and MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!

One thing I’ve learned to expect from being in the Gotham Community is that we never know exactly what to expect and when the unexpected happens, we make the most of it. 

Join us next week at 5pm to see what I’m talking about. 

Be Well! 

Shelley Simpson, Esq
Business & Personal Development Partner

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