[Fredslist] The Season of Giving...

Matt Plociak mattinmanhattan at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 10:39:15 EST 2018

Hi Gothamites,

Happy Holidays!

We have all received and many of us have participated in the Gotham Season
of Giving...

I think that I've given every year, but didn't think too much about it,
until this year!

I decided to go to the Holiday Party, sort of at the last minute, not sure
why. Maybe because I wouldn't see all those famous portraits at the Friar's

So, while at the Holiday Party, the drawing for the winning member's
charities was being announced.  I paid little attention, being occupied by
eating whatever was on my plate, until I heard my name called.

What? Me? I won something? Oh, the charity of my choice. Gee, nice!

Then I got the check for Planned Parenthood of NYC ($4,000) and I brought
it to the development office. Well, they were so happy and I think a bit
shocked. What's the Gotham Network and how did you select Planned
Parenthood? I explained that Gotham is a networking group that donates to
charities every year and that I was one of the lucky winners and I've
always thought supporting Planned Parenthood to be a worthwhile endeavor.

A few things that I learned; YOUR contribution makes a difference; your
favorite charity COULD benefit, and oh, pay attention at next years Holiday

Again, thanks to all of Gotham and to those who gave to this year's Season
of Giving.
Best regards,

Matt Plociak
Voice of Reason Consulting

917-282-0809 (mobile)

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