[Fredslist] Demystifying CBD Oil w/Dr. Richard Carlton at NY Health & Longevity’s Dec. 12th holiday luncheon.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Thu Dec 6 16:11:30 EST 2018

Dear Fright of Atilla the Hun,...Can't thank you enough for sharing your direct experience with CBD oil. Sorry you can't be here to joinus at our luncheon next Wednesday and tell us in person.. But you will be there in spirit. Fred will be your proxy. :)
With gratitude for your unabashed candor.
Kelly Welles, LUTCFServing Longevity Planning Needs for 25 Years.Co-chair & GC, NY Health & Longevity. Kelly Welles, President          wellesfinancialservices.comTrusted Advisor to Attorneys andAccountants Specializing in Insurance and BenefitsCell   917-626-8590www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles________________________WELLES FINANCIAL SERVICESBusiness & Personal Financial Strategies

      From: Neil Hollander <neilhollander at gmail.com>
 To: Kelly Welles <kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com> 
Cc: fredslist <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
 Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 2:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [Fredslist] Demystifying CBD Oil w/Dr. Richard Carlton at NY Health & Longevity’s Dec. 12th holiday luncheon.
It’s time to shed the misconceptions of Cannabis . This is not your dad’s pot smoking / Pink Floyd Cannabis . This is a miracle substance that blows Big Pharma out of the water . We live in California where it’s legal to grow your own weed for personal consumption . We also have walk in dispensaries where you can buy it . It’s not cheap . Plus there’s a 32% state tax attached . Hence the necessity to grow your own .     Three plus years ago I suffered a major stroke that left me debilitated and in constant muscle pain . I recovered and am leading a normal life . Except for the pain . Big Pharma would love to hook me on pain killers and Oxy but my physical and mental work ethic said NO WAY ! So I take a tincture ( dropper) of a 20:1 ratio of CBD to THC twice a day under my tongue . Or I have my masseuse rub it into my muscles once a week . Either way it has absolutely no psychotropic effects whatsoever and my pain is GONE ! I mean G O N E !!!! No negative effects . Clear headed . Pain FREE ! This coming from a guy who is a little right of Atilla the Hun . Fred can vouch .                                    Hollander Sends 

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On Dec 5, 2018, at 6:36 AM, Kelly Welles <kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com> wrote:

Dear Tribal Members, Circuit Riders and friends,
Our Dec. 12th luncheon will explain why all CBD Oils are NOT created equal. 
Don't miss this unique opportunity to get the scoop on CBD oil from Dr. Richard Carlton, noted Psychiatrist/M.D., member of NY Health & Longevity. Dr. Carlton is a Certified Medical Cannabis Provider.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most important NON-psychoactive component of marijuana and hemp. It has robust effects in reducing pain, controlling  seizures, alleviating anxiety, inducing sleep, and controlling psychosis (in dementia, in mania, and in schizophrenia). Dr. Carlton will tell us how it works,  what makes a good brand vs. a bad brand, and which brands he recommends for patients and loved ones. 
But how safe is it?  How do you know what you are getting? Prices vary. How much should you pay? How effective is it? How does it interact with other prescription pain meds and OTC pain remedies?
The Date is Wednesday, December 12th, 2018, 12:30 PM.ONLY  SEVEN DAYS LEFT! We will meet at the Club Quarters 25 W. 51st. St. Guests are welcome! Remember, we are a non compete group. Please call me to clear potential conflicts.We've made signing up easy. Here’s what you, your guests and friends need to do...Go to:https://www.gothamnetworking.com/m/events/view/NY-Health-Aging-Meeting-2017-12-17-2“Pay On-line as a guest.” And you are doneWe look forward to seeing you. Please RSVP to me directly if you have not already done so.
Warmest holiday wishes,Kelly Welles, LUTCFServing Legacy and Longevity Planning Needs forTwenty Five Years.Co-chair and Group Coordinator      Kelly Welles, President          wellesfinancialservices.comTrusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants Specializing in Insurance and BenefitsCell   917-626-8590www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-welles________________________WELLES FINANCIAL SERVICESBusiness & Personal Financial Strategies  


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