JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Sat Oct 18 12:20:05 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone,
As you know the last meeting of the year is usually our  Holiday party.  We 
are starting to plan for it now however, we need to know  how many of you 
plan on joining us and how many guests you might be  bringing.
Robert is looking for a place in the area we are used to  meeting in so 
that people will not have to travel far.  We are thinking the  first two weeks 
in December.  There will be a fixed price which will  include the food and 
at least a drink.  
If you would please e mail me and let me know your numbers it  will help 
locate a place and fix a date.  Thank you.
Remember the next meeting is November 13th at Champps...more  on this will 
go out but mark that date in your calendar as a  reminder.....
Janet Adler, GC
Gotham SOFL
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