[Fredslist] New Poll

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 19 10:48:10 EST 2014

Hi Gotham:  For those of you who think now that the mid-term elections are behind us and we can have some relief from those endless and mindless TV commercials, mailings and speeches, guess again!  The end of the mid-terms means the start of the 2016 Presidential season, and to start us off right, today's new poll asks you if you think Hillary will run for President.  Go to our website now (www.gothamnetworking.com) and voice your opinion and then check back often to see how you compare to other Gothamites.    Hey, I can't always ask your opinions about chocolate so have fun.  Your pollster,  Dr. Gerry Goldhaber Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber
President and CEO, GRA, LLC
800 6th Avenue, Suite 26G
New York, NY 10001
(212) 379-6661 (Office)
(917) 279-2303 (Cell)
geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
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