[Fredslist] Granting Easement to National Grid

Jeanne Anne Norton jeanneannenorton at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 18 15:19:33 EST 2014

Good Afternoon:

A client received a letter from ClearPoint Technologies, retained by National Grid to design and coordinate the installation of new power lines.  She owns 60 acres on either side of a major roadway upstate New York.  Thirty of the acres are farmland.  The other a mix of residential and farmland.

National Grid wants an easement to install the lines along the roadway -- easier to maintain, etc.  They will also have to move or remove trees.

(1) Does the client need to grant an easement? and (2) Is National Grid required to pay for the easement, and if so, what is usual and customary. 

Any insight would be helpful so that I can proceed in responding to ClearPoint.

Thank you

Jeanne Anne Norton

Law Offices of Jeanne Anne Norton
82 Grove Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
Phone:  518-482-1261
Fax:      518-482-1262
Mobile:  646-247-9622
jeanneanne.norton at earthlink.net 

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