[Fredslist] Ariel Fixler is home -- desperately needs suggestions on pain mgt.

Rona Wexler rona at wexler-consulting.com
Sat Nov 16 13:49:03 EST 2013

Hi everyone,
At long last, our daughter, Ariel Fixler, returned home on Monday, Veterans Day.  In her own way, she, too, is a veteran in her private war with cancer and now the effect of all those treatments: end stage liver disease (ESLD).  She back on insurance and enrolled with in -home hospice in her apt on the east side.  She is tying up loose ends and saving strength to see some friends & family in brief visits (only every few days; they wear protective garb we keep for such times).  She still takes her liver drug to extend her time & in the hope that she may get a liver transplant.

The trade-off for taking the liver drug is that she cannot control her pain because most of the treatments counteract its effects.  She has tried different pain mgt. protocols with little success.  She has constant pain from bed sores, BUT her worst problem is the stabbing pain she has in her thoracic and lumbar spine.  The intensity of this pain means she can't rest and barely sleeps ....not a good thing when the mind & body need much restorative rest.  The hard choice is if she reaches her limit in tolerating the pain, she will have to go off the liver drug, take IV pain meds and this will rapidly shorten her time with us.

I and her nurse were able to apply acupressure massage to specific spots for true relief, but it was very temporary, an hour or so at best.
Other treatment that proved unsuccessful or very temporary:
Massage (a few treatments)
Acupuncture (couple of treatments)
Heat (though she uses heating pad a lot)
Drop of liquid morphine under tongue (bypasses liver, but caused major dizziness & stomach distress)
Fentanyl patch (also bypasses liver, a very small dose caused extreme dizziness and nausea)

We ask you to spread the word, refer this to anyone you know who may have experienced this with a loved one or patient and may have a concrete suggestion.  She needs relief!
Reply only to me, folks.  And thank you for your kindness and continuous support.

Rona E. Wexler, M.A., ABVE/D
Expert Assessments of Earning Capacity & Employability
Employment Litigation & Family Law     Executive and Career Coaching
(646) 335-5236   rona at wexler-consulting.com<mailto:rona at wexler-consulting.com>
Wexler Vocational and Career Services
www.wexler-consulting.com<http://www.wexler-consulting.com/>       Fax: (815) 366-8024
15900 Riverside Dr. W, Suite 1K
New York, NY 10032-1042

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