[Fredslist] Last Chance, Free Cloud Computing Event!

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Wed Jun 5 13:39:57 EDT 2013

Please ignore this event reminder if you've already responded or RSVP'd.

Last chance to join Contango IT and Rackspace for breakfast and giveaways
this Tuesday 6/11!

*The leading U.S. Storm's research team has stated that there is a 72
percent chance that a major hurricane will hit the U.S. coast this year,
compared with a historical average of 52 percent.

*Back by popular demand*, please join Contango IT and Rackspace for another
presentation on: "Moving Your Business to The

According to Gartner, Rackspace is the best in the

If you or anyone you know had IT issues during Hurricane Sandy, or manage
an IT infrastructure, they must attend this event!  Please forward this
invitation to those people.

By understanding what Contango and Rackspace have to offer, your
clients/friends/contacts are much better equipped to make the right
decision(s) for their IT infrastructure.

Click here <http://broadcast.rackspace.com/txc/rack-15508-01/>, or scroll
down to see the event information and RSVP.  It's June 11th, 8am-12pm at
The Play Room Theater in Times Square.

Hope to see you there!

[image: Contango IT]
+1 2127370608
+1 8777372282
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<rsvp at contangoit.com?subject=RSVP,%20June%2011,%202013,%20Moving%20Your%20Business%20to%20The%20Cloud>

 Danny Mizrahi

 228 East 45th Street
 Suite 11 South
 New York, NY  10017
 office: (212) 737-0608
 gvoice: (646) 801-0608
 fax: (877) 737-2282
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