[Fredslist] pics of Jayne doing Erin, and Erin doing Jayne.

Vikram Rajan vik at phoneBlogger.net
Tue Jun 4 20:26:56 EDT 2013

Here are pics of Jayne doing Erin, and Erin doing Jayne.
(Get your mind out of the gutter)

In homage to the infamous time when Raj Goel & I switched Introductions (@
Gotham Dinner), both of them were flawless in execution!

Jayne was Erin-on-the-spot, revealing her new contact info...
Erin lived up to Jayne's no um & ah skillz!

We should all try this some time!

~ Vik @  phoneBlogger.net
Office: 646.845.9170
Cell: 516.642.4100
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