[Fredslist] My Son's resume

Tony Guggino, CLU, ChFC tony at guggino.us
Thu Nov 29 14:12:41 EST 2012

Hi out there among our Tribe,

After 12 years with Credit Suisse my son's position has been is being 
moved to North Carolina.

I know it's going to sound biased, but Mark is a very responsible and 
dedicated employee.

As you can see from Mark's resume, he has continually moved up in his 
positions and responsibilities.

Mark's knowledge of his industry is vast and  he has had experience in 
many positions during his tenure in 6 different companies.

Any help or advise would be much appreciated.

Mark's resume is attached.


Tony Guggino, CLU, ChFC
American Business	
45 w.45th Street
Suite 1500	
New York, NY 10036


tony at guggino.us

fax: 212-359-4399

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