[Fredslist] CURRENT Metropolitan Playhouse play is BETTER THAN BROADWAY

Anne Bonfiglio abonfiglio at fredslist.com
Thu Mar 8 17:51:09 EST 2012

Hello  Gothamites,

I go to a lot of theater all around town.

Last night I saw 'DEEP ARE THE ROOTS' BY Arnaud D'Usseau and James Gow.

It deals with conflict regarding the support of African Americans, and
the bigoted aristocrats in the deep south.

It is a strong drama with fabulous acting from every member of the cast.
You get caught up in the story, it is SOOO real.

 It is a WOW show. I urge you to go and see it.

It is playing until April 1st. Tickets are quite reasonable.


Anne Bonfiglio
Exec Dir/PSA

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