[Fredslist] Contango IT is growing! Full-time position available

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Thu Apr 26 10:20:56 EDT 2012

Hi Gotham family,

We're looking for a person who can be a great manager, and also has some
IT-background.  It's considered an entry-level job money-wise, but there's
flexibility based on experience and responsibilities.

Here's the "ad."  Please send this to people who might be interested.

Full-time Position Available at an IT Consulting and Support Company,
located one block from Grand Central.

Title: Projects Coordinator / Dispatcher

Primary responsibilities include, but not limited to:

   - Customer Service: First line of communication with Client
   - Project Management
   - Dispatching Consultants / Managing Calendars
   - Service Sheet Management
   - Client Technical Folder Management

This is a unique position, as you will be involved in all aspects of the
company, from technical to sales.  Since we're a small firm, there is a big
opportunity to grow within the company, both in responsibilities and

If you are interested in the position, please send in your resume* with a
summary of why you are a good fit for the job described above to
info at contangoit.com*

 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282
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