[Fredslist] Questions about your Blackberry? Come RTC to our next Gotham LI Women's meeting....

Michelle E. Espey mespey at moritthock.com
Thu May 20 15:42:14 EDT 2010

When:      TUESDAY,  MAY 25TH  @ 8:15 AM

                585 North Broadway
                Jericho, NY 11753-2199

 Our very own Gurmeet Sodhi, along with her Verizon Wireless Professionals Team, will be doing a Blackberry Presentation on:

-Perks of Blackberry Enterprise Server
-Blackberry Messenger - learn how you can Add contact by scanning bar code; create and connect with BB groups; share lists; calendars; files and pictures.
-How Blackberry Software Solutions can help you if you are in Real Estate; Legal; Financial; Healthcare; Construction and other professions
-Maximum Utilization of Cross Industry Third Party Applications

Please let me know if you are interested in attending.  Conflicts must, of course, be cleared through me in advance.


Michelle E. Espey, Esq.
400 Garden City Plaza
Garden City, NY 11530
Direct: (516) 880-7259
Phone: (516) 873-2000 w Fax: (516) 873-2010
Long Island w Manhattan
mespey at moritthock.com<mailto:mespey at moritthock.com> w www.moritthock.com<http://www.moritthock.com/>


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