[Fredslist] There is Still Time to Show Your Support for Fred before June 3

Nancy Schess nschess at kleinzelman.com
Sat May 8 12:55:51 EDT 2010

The publicity continues!  Gotham has shown amazing support so far for Fred
but there is still time to put it over the top.  See below and go to
www.hslaps.org/benefit.html to make your donation.

   Your support is greatly appreciated.

Nancy B. Schess, Esq.
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue - 15th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 935-6020 x219
Fax: (212) 753-8101
nschess at kleinzelman.com
   ----- Forwarded by Nancy Schess/KZRD on 05/08/2010 12:51 PM -----

Here is the link:

Jane W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair

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Please join us as we honor your friend and ours, Fred Klein, for his many
achievements and outstanding contributions to the community.

Fred is a devoted husband, loving father, attentive grandfather, good
neighbor, and energetic labor and employment attorney.  Fred created the
Gotham Mentoring Network, better known as “Fred’s list”.  He also serves as
Treasurer of the Friar's Club and is an active member of Syracuse
University’s Chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.

One of Fred’s many passions is the Leadership & Public Service High School
– a New York City public school serving the educational needs of the inner
city and minority students.  Since its inception in 1993, Fred has served
as founder and fund-raising chairman of the “Friends of Leadership” which
serves as an advisory board responding to the needs of the school, raising
funds and publicizing its students’ accomplishments.  His determination has
helped to make the "Friends" program the largest and most successful of its
kind in New York City, applauded by Mayor Michael Bloomberg , Schools'
Chancellor Joel Klein and Syracuse University's Chancellor, Nancy Cantor,
who referred to the "Friends" as the "Soul of Syracuse".

On June 3, we will hold a reception to honor Fred, Dick Adelman and Dr.
Lonnie Morrison for their dedication to the Friends of Leadership.  We are
creating a souvenir journal so that all of those who would like to be
included in honoring them can participate.  The funds we raise together
will benefit the work of the “Friends” in support of the students of the
Leadership & Public Service High School.

After the benefit, we will publish the journal, including the names of all
of the contributors, so that Fred will be able to see how much we
appreciate his extraordinary leadership contributions.

You can donate now by clicking on www.hslaps.org/benefit.html .  You will
receive a receipt for tax purposes, and your donation is fully tax

Please help us create a memorable event for our friend.

Jane W. Present, Founder, The Friends of leadership, Journal Chair

Ruth S. Sherman, Chair, Friends of Leadership

Meghan Lantier, Benefit ChairShare the Good News on:
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair&bodytext=;
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair
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 W. Present, Founder, The Friends of Leadership, Journal Chair
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You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube videoPlease
join us as we honor your friend and ours, Fred Klein, for his

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