[Fredslist] Party List of attendees for May 11 alphabetical by last name

fklein at legal.org fklein at legal.org
Sat May 8 09:47:42 EDT 2010

See and be seen! Sip and sup too. 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Debra B. Lindner" <debbie at gothamnetworking.com>
Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 09:24:54 
To: 'Fred Klein'<fklein at kleinzelman.com>
Subject: List of attendees for May 11 alphabetical by last name

.         Alexander           Anastasi

.         Erin        Ardleigh

.         Raul       Argudin

.         Brad       Aron

.         Eric         Baker

.         Jane       Beddall

.         Marshall               Bellovin

.         Jennifer               Berger

.         John      Bogle

.         Wendy Bogle

.         Yvette   Boisnier

.         Jacques                Boubli

.         Mike      Brown

.         Christopher        Bruno

.         Christopher        Burns

.         Gabrielle              Carlson

.         Charles Castelli

.         Susan    Cleary

.         Katherine            Cohn

.         Connie  Cohrt

.         Guest of Cohrt

.         Scott      Coopersmith

.         Cayce    Crown

.         Jefferson             Crowther

.         Vincent                De Rogatis

.         Medina                del Castillo

.         Phyllis   Dubrow

.         Patrick  Durgin-Bruce

.         Rebecca               Eddy

.         Gil           Effron

.         Flo          Feinberg

.         Leslie     Fitting

.         Marcelo               Gallegos

.         Michael                Garibaldi

.         Stuart    Gastwirth

.         Ben        Geizhals

.         Steven  Glassberg

.         Alan       Goldberg

.         Gerald Goldhaber

.         Patricia Grebe

.         Claudine              Halpern

.         Jack        Halpern

.         Steven  Halpern

.         Marc      Halpert

.         Judy       Heft

.         Ester      Horowitz

.         Robert  Jaffe

.         Ken        Jewell

.         June      Kallos

.         Fred       Klein

.         Joel        Korby

.         Michael                Kristof

.         Marc      Kroll

.         Mike      Landrum

.         Jayne    Latz

.         Michael                LeBlanc

.         Mary     Lee

.         Gary      Levien

.         Bambe  Levine

.         Lawrence            Levy

.         Debbie Lindner

.         Peter     Lindner

.         Margaret             Livits

.         Glenn    Madden

.         Gina       Manoni

.         Elizabeth              Marner-Brooks

.         Tessa     Marquis

.         Stephanie           Martin

.         Lucas     Meyer

.         Danny   Mizrahi

.         Barry     Monies

.         Nils         Morgan

.         Scott      Moulton

.         Arielle   Myers

.         Jane       Myers

.         Linda     Newman

.         Nicole   Passman

.         Parita    Patel

.         Karen    Perry

.         Karen    Radoslovich

.         Sherry   Rivera

.         Jonathan             Robbins

.         Ary         Rosenbaum

.         Sharon  Rychlik

.         Gideon Schein

.         Gail        Schwartz

.         Lari         Schwartz

.         Deidre  Siegel

.         Martin  Siegel

.         Deirdre Silberstein

.         Steven  Skyles-Mulligan

.         Elissa     Slan

.         Matthew             Smith

.         Norman               Spizz

.         Michael                Steger

.         Alan       Stein

.         Robert  Tardio

.         Mitch    Tobol

.         Sarah     Tobol

.         Christopher        Trahan

.         Nancy   Tuber

.         Mitchell                Tublin

.         Joanne Wasserman

.         Lisa         Waterman

.         David     Weber

.         Brian      Weiss

.         Alexander           Wesman

.         Iris          Wolinsky

.         Ellin        Yassky

.         Michael                Zeldes

.         Sharon  Zilich

.         Josh       Zinder

Debra B. Lindner

Administrative Director, Gotham City Networking

debbie at gothamnetworking.com

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