[Fredslist] In Memory of Stan Tobol

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Sun Jul 11 17:38:22 EDT 2010

Dear Mitch:

I did not know your dad, but when I look at you and your children, I  
know that he was a great man. I am most saddened by his death.

Warm wishes,

On Jul 9, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Fred Klein wrote:

> As you probably know by now, Webmaster Mitch's dad Stanley Tobol  
> passed away within the last 24 hours.
> I only met "Stan" once, but prior to that he made such a nice  
> connection with me that I will always remember him as such a soft,  
> sweet man.
> I first came into contact with "Stan" when I would telephone  
> Webmaster Mitch about the Gotham emergency of the moment and the  
> phone would be answered by a soft, sweet voice.  After a while, as  
> is my way, I asked him his name and he said "Stan" and that was  
> that.  However, my calls continued and "Stan" was always the man of  
> the soothing calm way and voice.
> Eventually, "Stan" no longer answered Mitch's phone and one day I  
> happened to remark to Mitch that I missed "Stan" and all that he did  
> to represent Mitch so well.  I was pleasantly shocked to learn that  
> "Stan" was Mitch's dad and even more so when at Mitch's 50th  
> Birthday party I saw Norm Spizz in attendance.  I questioned Norm as  
> to the reason and he said "Didn't you know Stan is Mara's big  
> brother."  Wow!  If you ever met Mara you have met the  
> personification of the "Better Half".  Such a sweet, elegant  
> soothing lady.  Just like "Stan", who I met that day.  Needless to  
> say, he did nothing that day to diminish my positive impression of  
> him as we laughed about "Stan".
> Stan and Mara's parents sure knew how to rear children.  I join  
> Mitch, Mara and the family in mourning the loss of such a special man!
> __________________________________
> Fred C. Klein
> Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
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> New York, NY 10022
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Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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