[Fredslist] In Memory of Stan Tobol

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Fri Jul 9 11:35:59 EDT 2010

As you probably know by now, Webmaster Mitch's dad Stanley Tobol passed 
away within the last 24 hours.

I only met "Stan" once, but prior to that he made such a nice connection 
with me that I will always remember him as such a soft, sweet man. 

I first came into contact with "Stan" when I would telephone Webmaster 
Mitch about the Gotham emergency of the moment and the phone would be 
answered by a soft, sweet voice.  After a while, as is my way, I asked him 
his name and he said "Stan" and that was that.  However, my calls 
continued and "Stan" was always the man of the soothing calm way and 

Eventually, "Stan" no longer answered Mitch's phone and one day I happened 
to remark to Mitch that I missed "Stan" and all that he did to represent 
Mitch so well.  I was pleasantly shocked to learn that "Stan" was Mitch's 
dad and even more so when at Mitch's 50th Birthday party I saw Norm Spizz 
in attendance.  I questioned Norm as to the reason and he said "Didn't you 
know Stan is Mara's big brother."  Wow!  If you ever met Mara you have met 
the personification of the "Better Half".  Such a sweet, elegant soothing 
lady.  Just like "Stan", who I met that day.  Needless to say, he did 
nothing that day to diminish my positive impression of him as we laughed 
about "Stan". 

Stan and Mara's parents sure knew how to rear children.  I join Mitch, 
Mara and the family in mourning the loss of such a special man! 

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
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