[Fredslist] Anyone know Fisher Enterprises LLC?

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Fri Feb 19 15:10:42 EST 2010


I have a friend and client who is looking for alternative financing.  
He was introduced to a New York based company by the name Fisher  
Enterprises LLC. The managing member is David L. Franklin.

If anyone has information about this company -- or any experience with  
them -- please let me know. I'll have my friend contact you directly  
and you can have a private, confidential conversation.

Thanks very much. gil

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Fax: 877-805-8037
Mobile: 914-414-9245

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