[Fredslist] Fwd: Inspiring "Sandwich Generation" Caregivers to Find Balance

Gail Koelln gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com
Fri Dec 31 12:19:58 EST 2010

Announcing my new business (see below).  

For those who are wondering, I'm also still grant writing, but will wear my "Coaching Hat" in Gotham beginning tomorrow (2011).

Happy New Year to all!

Best wishes,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: InspiredPerspectivesCoaching-NoReply at green-wave-email.com
> Date: December 27, 2010 5:54:10 PM EST
> To: gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com
> Subject: Inspiring "Sandwich Generation" Caregivers to Find Balance
> Reply-To: InspiredPerspectivesCoaching-NoReply at green-wave-email.com
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> Email a Friend 
> Inspired Perspectives Coaching
> December 2010
> Inspiring "Sandwich Generation" Caregivers to Find Peace and Balance in Their Lives!
> We are Here for You
> As members of “The Sandwich Generation,” that is people with both children and elderly relatives to care for, we often struggle to find balance and peace in our lives. How do we raise the kids, take care of “fill in the blank” (mom, father-in-law, Aunt Sally or whoever), do our work, keep a household running, and stay sane (never mind have some down time!)?
> Inspired Perspectives Coaching is here for you. Life Coach and President Gail Koelln has not only lived it (and continues to live it), but has learned many coping strategies along the way. Our monthly (and brief) e-tips will keep you inspired, laughing, and hopeful as you take it one step at a time every single day. And watch out for special inspiration from nature and the animal kingdom (see some amazing elephant info below)!
> Beginning in January, we will focus on a monthly theme, starting appropriately with "Vision." What is the vision you want for your life? Have you even thought about this lately? It's more important now than ever!
> Elephants are Family Caregivers Too!
> Did you know that elephants are very loyal to family, much as humans are? Enjoy this short video which reinforces that family, and caregivers, are so important:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5VlirHN_Ds
> Elephants care for their elderly, even at the end of life:  “An observer once came across a band of African elephant surrounding a dying matriarch as she swayed and fell. The other elephants clustered around her and tried mightily to get her up. A young male tried to raise her with his tusks, put food in her mouth…one calf knelt and tried to suckle. At last the group moved off, but one female and her calf stayed behind. The female stood with her back to the dead matriarch, now and then reaching back to touch her with one foot. The other elephants called to her. Finally she walked slowly away.” – from When Elephants Weep: The Emotional Lives of Animals by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and Susan McCarthy.
> Photo Credit: Gary M. Stolz/US Fish and Wildlife Services
> For the Holidays...
> Take a minute to think of one positive thing your life situation has brought you. Are you now closer to your parent? Proud of the way your teenager pitches in to help? Grateful for the delicious dinners your spouse cooks four nights a week? Delighted with how your six-year-old reads nightly to Grandma? There are nuggets of treasure we can find if we only stop to look for and savor them.
> Photo Credit: Marius Iordache
> www.InspiredPerspectivesCoaching.com
> (718) 776-7284
> Click to Unsubscribe all
> Your email address is listed as gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com.
> 	Email Marketing for
> You and Your Planet

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