[Fredslist] East Meets West, Meets North & South for Cocktails

JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Thu Jun 25 10:51:12 EDT 2009

East met West met North and South for Cocktails.....
Last night four corners of  Gotham came together to eat, drink  and make 
Merry.  Quite a bit of card exchanging took place and lots of  connections 
were made.  Did you hear the rumor that the Friars club has a  new chief?  
Well, the food was plentiful and very delicious...slidders, and  pigs in 
blankets and tables of food in each room.  Anyone who went home  hungry was just 
doing too much talking.  Another great party from  Gotham.
Thank you Gotham.
Janet Adlre
Janet  Adler Realty, Ltd

1 212 427 3809
1 917 834  2246
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