[Fredslist] Fwd: Watch Bill Clinton on Larry King tonight

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Tue Feb 17 14:03:29 EST 2009

Politics aside.

For all of us parents....and for everyone else too!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Clinton Foundation" <enews at clintonfoundation.org>
> Date: February 17, 2009 1:50:05 PM EST
> To: amiller at adrianmiller.com
> Subject: Watch Bill Clinton on Larry King tonight
> Reply-To: "Clinton Foundation" <enews at clintonfoundation.org>
> View this email as a web page.
> Dear Adrian,
> Tonight, join more than a million Americans to watch President  
> Clinton's interview with Larry King.
> The next generation of leaders takes on global challenges through  
> service.
> Last weekend, President Clinton convened nearly 1,000 students,  
> university presidents, and leaders of youth organizations at the  
> second annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) meeting  
> at the University of Texas at Austin.
> These students traveled from all 50 states and more than 60  
> countries to attend the meeting, where they were joined by more  
> than 75 presenters and sponsors, including: MTV, former Secretary  
> of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, actors and activists  
> Matthew McConaughey and Natalie Portman, and documentary filmmaker  
> Morgan Spurlock.
> CGI U is the inspiration for hundreds of innovative, student- 
> created Commitments to Action to address global problems. This  
> year, student commitments will address both local and global issues  
> such as sustainable housing, public health, children's  
> malnutrition, the environment, poverty, and human rights, in places  
> like Austin, New York, Missouri, Peru, India, Nepal, and South Africa.
> After closing the meeting with a service project in Austin,  
> President Clinton traveled to California to join Mayor Antonio  
> Villaraigosa to announce an unprecedented energy-saving project in  
> the city of Los Angeles. In partnership with the Clinton Climate  
> Initiative (CCI), the city will replace 140,000 streetlights with  
> energy-efficient LED technology. This is, by far, the largest  
> project of its kind ever undertaken in a major city, with the  
> potential to save $10 million in energy costs, as well as over 68  
> million kilowatt-hours of electricity, each year. To learn more  
> about CCI and the other Clinton Foundation initiatives, go to  
> www.clintonfoundation.org.
> I hope you will tune in tonight to Larry King Live to learn more  
> about this exciting announcement and more inspiring stories from  
> CGI U.
> With best wishes,
> Bruce R. Lindsey
> Chief Executive Officer
> William J. Clinton Foundation
> P.S. Please click here to learn more about the students' Commitment  
> to Action.
> Students Birju Solanki and Chanukya Dasari, co-founders of Kansas  
> City's new Free Eye Clinic, with President Bill Clinton at the CGI  
> U meeting in Austin, Texas, this past weekend.
> Birju and Chanukya have committed to creating a strong network of  
> eye care professionals who will provide treatment to hundreds of  
> uninsured individuals.
> Photo Credit:
> Chris Carson/ Clinton Global Initiative
> President Bill Clinton with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los  
> Angeles announcing the retrofit of city streetlights.
> Photo Credit:
> Tyrone D. Washington/ LA Mayor's Office
> New York Office: William J. Clinton Foundation • 55 West 125th St.  
> • New York, NY 10027
> Little Rock Office: William J. Clinton Foundation • 1200 President  
> Clinton Ave. • Little Rock, AR 72201
> Did a friend send this to you? Sign up to receive regular updates  
> from the Clinton Foundation.
> If you no longer wish to receive email from us, please Unsubscribe  
> here.	

Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)



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