[Fredslist] Classical Piano & jazz lovers...Wed. 9/24 10:45 PM Homage to Bill Evans by Lee Evans

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Tue Sep 23 16:59:42 EDT 2008

Hello to music lovers along the network,
  David Dubal's radio show, Reflectios from the keyboad, on Wed. Setp 24th, 10 to 11 PM, WQXR-FM, 96.3, will beature my husband Lee Evans playing his own composition, Homage to Bill Evans.  His performance will be next to last on the progam...about 10:45 PM.
  Kelly Welles
  Gotham fan

Optimizing Personal Financial Assets
Kelly Welles, Managing Director
(917)626 8590
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