[Fredslist] Blackberry :+)

Scott Bloom Sbloom at bloomreg.com
Wed Oct 1 14:24:28 EDT 2008

I love it, am responding on it, and one of my favorite places to visit is a friend that has a charger in the wall that I can plug into while visiting!


Scott Bloom - Blackberry Text/Call - 917-327-2109

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Sent: Wed Oct 01 13:39:39 2008
Subject: [Fredslist] Blackberry addiction

I read Bernie Siegel’s article on Fred’s list about breaking the blackberry addiction. I am pretty good about not keeping mine on when I am out socially or with clients or in business meetings, although it is tempting when others are checking their phones and devices in a business meeting. I really think an email or call back can wait an hour or two. Nothing in my business is that urgent. 


However, I do keep it charged at night in my bedroom and when I wake up at 4 AM I usually do check my emails. How pathetic is that? 

After reading Bernie’s article I decided not to charge it in my bedroom and last night and I had a good night’s sleep. When I do check my emails in the middle of the night it is much harder to fall back to sleep because my mind starts working. 


If you haven’t read the article and are addicted to your crackberry, I highly recommend reading Bernie Siegel’s article on Fred’s list. 


Thanks for a good night’s sleep Bernie. 




Judith Heft & Associates, LLC

Bill paying and daily management for busy individuals

office 203-978-1858

fax 203-978-1857

cell 917-494-3986


judy at judithheft.com


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