[Fredslist] $10 MILLION VENTURE CAPITAL SOUGHT.....An Early Stage (but ready to fill orders) GreenTech Opportunity

Steve Kirschner skirschner at lifton.com
Wed Oct 1 13:59:46 EDT 2008

I posted this on Fredslist back in June. I am asking again for your
assistance. After a few very worthy introductions we still have not closed
this transaction, so I am hoping you can direct me further hopefully to the
right entity that can afford my client the approximate $10 Million venture
capital required.  Please pass this on to anyone you think could help. 
It's no secret that America is dealing with a waste management and natural
resource crisis.  The need to convert waste into resources has never been
higher and the opportunity I present below is not only timely, but practical
and potentially very lucrative. 


The company I represent manufactures and markets a full line of automated
state-of-the-art, in-vessel thermophilic and vermi-composting systems which
are capable of converting all types of biodegradable waste into premium soil
products.  Their proprietary and innovative technology builds upon proven
age-old biological processes by rapidly accelerating the natural breakdown
of biodegradable waste.  The products employ modular and site-specific
designs customized for a wide range of biodegradable waste
producing/processing sites.  Capable of processing over 800 tons of waste a
day, these systems are fully enclosed, odor-free, modular, scalable, and
deliver the most efficient, lowest cost per ton processing in the industry.
This company is the only company in the industry with a comprehensive
product offering to solve waste remediation challenges in all markets.  


By implementing these systems, clients will eliminate waste management costs
while diverting their waste from landfills and incinerators.  The newly
produced compost can then be sold for profit - essentially replacing a
hazardous and expensive waste stream with a consistent and lucrative revenue


Take for example an actual client scenario that the company is working on.
This opportunity is a supermarket franchise that contains 350 stores with
each store generating 2 tons of biodegradable waste per day. Assume that
each store pays $50,000 annually ($17.5 Million across the franchise) to
dispose of its biodegradable waste. By utilizing this technology, in
essentially the same footprint as their existing waste compactors and bins,
the supermarket's waste can be effortlessly converted onsite and the compost
can be sold as premium compost wholesale or retail. The supermarket's old
waste disposal costs are replaced by a smaller monthly equipment lease
payment and the supermarket can generate revenue from the compost produced.
In most cases, supermarkets that acquire one of these systems can be cash
flow positive day one with an absolute ROI in less than 3 years.  Even
though, the financial benefits alone are lucrative,  the PR benefits are
exponential    If a supermarket franchise with 350 stores purchases a
solution for each store, the total PO value to the company would be over
$120 Million. This represents a single opportunity in a single market.
These composting systems can be utilized in just about any market.  


There are numerous factors that are creating a large market for the
company's products.  Since 1980 there has been a 92% decline in the number
of available landfills (from 20,000 in 1980 to fewer than 1,600 today).
With a growing U.S. population now over 300 Million and per capita waste
generation averaging approximately 4.5 pounds per day, politicians and
corporate leaders have no choice but to abandon traditional disposal methods
and look for new solutions.  The good news is that approximately 70% of the
waste stream is biodegradable and can be converted into compost.  And, as
manufacturing shifts to more green solutions, this number will only


Additional momentum is provided by a booming organic food industry.  In
2001, the combined sales of organic food in the United States, Europe and
Japan totaled $21 Billion.   In 2005, the United States alone reported sales
of over $20 Billion.   Although this growth rate is significant and expected
to continue, a consistent supply of certifiable compost must exist to
support this trend.  This company not only solves the waste remediation
problem, it lucratively answers the demand issue of organic compost. 


As the complexities of managing the world's waste problems increase, media,
legislative, political, financial and social attention will continue to fuel
the quest for remediation and thereby propel the company's marketplace. 


The company was founded in late 2001 and launched its full product line to
the public in January of 2008.  With a sales pipeline that grows each day,
my client is currently looking for a venture capital partner to help deploy
a sales team nationally, implement a full-scale marketing campaign and bring
the company's patented products to market.


I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you. .







H. Stephen Kirschner


(T) 631-750-6662

(F) 631-750-6663

(C) 516-528-2288

Email: skirschner at lifton.com







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