Jill Goldstein imprintdesigns at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 7 10:41:42 EST 2008

T'is the season to get your name out in lightsT'is the season to reach out to peopleT'is the season for Golf Outings We at !mpr!nt Designs can help you do just that.  Want to put something in all those goodie bags at the golf outings? We can help you get just the right thing to promote your business with a selection of thousands of thing to pick from. Just give a call 917-442-1629 or e-mail jill at imprintdesigns.comand we will take care of everything. 
Jill M. Goldstein
!MPR!NT Designs
You think it, we ink it!
JGoldstein at imprint-designs.com 

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