[Fredslist] Re: [Gclist] Winter Soltice

Steve Kirschner skirschner at lifton.com
Mon Dec 22 04:31:34 EST 2008

Victoria / Fred and the entire Gotham tribe...
I whole heartedly agree!!! 

Gotham has been more than once for me and is today more than ever the
foundation of my strength to forge ahead with hope and absolute conviction
that no matter what we cannot control in our lives we CAN count on the
Gotham family to enable us to overcome and succeed. 

I wish you all a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a most healthful happy
and serene 2009.  

H. Stephen Kirschner
Director Investment Sales Division
(T) 631 750 6662
(F) 631 750 6663
(C) 516 528 2288

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Victoria
Roberts Drogin
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2008 12:14 PM
To: fklein at legal.org; Fred's list
Cc: Tribal Council; GC List; Bloggers List
Subject: [Fredslist] Re: [Gclist] Winter Soltice

This is my favorite day of the year. 
The promise of longer days, more light, everything ahead. 
Like you said, Fred, this is really the start of the new year. 
I have heard so many people say lately that Gotham is a bright spot, a safe
place in their lives, a framework for rebuilding their careers, a  community
of dear frends and new connections, a place of hope in this crazy uncertain
time when things are changing so fast - I'm glad so many feel that way about
this organization. I know I do.  
------Original Message------
From: Fred Klein
Sender: gclist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
To: Fred's list
Cc: GC List
Cc: Tribal Council
Cc: Bloggers List
ReplyTo: fklein at legal.org
Subject: [Gclist] Winter Soltice
Sent: Dec 21, 2008 11:38 AM

Happy Solticess (Seinfeld's "Festivus" be darned)!  I can see it getting
lighter already: 6/1 Golf Outing, softball, Spring Cocktail Party and much
more Gotham Goodies are just around the corner. Enjoy the New Year!
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

Gclist mailing list
Gclist at gothamnetworking.com

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq.
MindShift Resources, Inc.
Executive, Professional and Life Coaching

victoria at mindshiftresources.com
t: 516.640.6260 | m: 917.418.2299

Your Thinking. Your Business. Your Life.         

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