[Fredslist] Ellen Yassky-our good neighbor to the north (Connecticut)

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Mon Dec 8 17:33:46 EST 2008

A Tribal Note:


I met Ellen in one of my "Riding the Circuit" adventures and we made up to
meet. I had heard and read much about her, especially in regard to the
European Torah that was rescued and restored so this sort of piqued my
interest, somewhat. She brought along some of her design work for the coffee
table books, etc. that she designs and I was dutifully impressed, somewhat
that does not happen that often.


We had a wonderful time discussing business, broad Jewish World topics and
about our families. I am a 100% born and bred New Yorker City boy but going
beyond NYS' borders was  a pleasant experience. On the other hand, there are
no borders when it comes to spending time with fellow Gothamites.


All the best for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.



Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 




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