[Fredslist] Comp Tix: Taste of Technology Small Business Series

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Thu Aug 28 07:31:31 EDT 2008

Many of you know Ramon Ray of Smallbiztechnology.com. Ramon produces  
fantastic business events and is a true technology evangelist. His  
style, energy and passion are contagious, even for a non-techy such  
as myself. I count myself lucky to have him as a friend.

Ramon has given me the opportunity to offer comp tix to his upcoming  
event on 9/16.

Here's the information.  There is a limited number of comp tix that I  
am able to offer. Please respond quickly and PLEASE do not respond if  
you are not 100% certain that you can attend!

Attend the next Taste of Technology Small Business Series event 
“Beyond Web Sites and Email: How Social Media Can Grow Your  
Business.” Be Educated. Network. Eat. Grow Your Business.

Social media is the use of online tools, such as FaceBook, Twitter  
and blogs, that enable communication to your audience, from your  
audience and within your audience. Social media tools also enable  
easy communication from, to and between websites, cell phones, blogs  
and email.

Come to Smallbiztechnology.com's Taste of Technology Small Business  
Series on Social Media to learn how you can use social media as a  
tool to grow your business.

Get full details here http://www.smalliztechnology.com/tasteoftechnology

The first 10 people to enter discount code PRIME receive a  
complimentary ticket ($49 value).

Happy Labor Day

Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)




See my book: The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success" at

"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
and they stay?"

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