[Fredslist] Welcome to Gotham's Summer of Giving

Nancy Schess nschess at kleinzelman.com
Fri Aug 8 16:57:44 EDT 2008

As proud Gothamites and believers in our motto of “It’s better to give than
to receive,” we want to harness the power and magic of Gotham and make a
difference – and we believe we have found a way.

      We are pleased to announce Gotham’s Summer of Giving 2008 campaign to
      start maximizing the power of the Gotham City Networking Foundation
      (501c3 organization).

      This is how it works:

             1.      Make a financial contribution of  $5 or $10 to the
      Gotham City Networking Foundation.

            2.      Suggest a charity (another 501c3 organization) to
            receive the funds raised by Gotham’s Summer of Giving 2008

            3.      Our Summer of Giving 2008 drive will end on or about
            September 30.

            4.      Once all donations have been collected and charity
            choices reviewed, the Foundation Board will select the charity
            to receive Gotham's gift. The selected charity will be
            announced to all of Gotham at the fall cocktail party and
            receive all donations plus a gift from the Gotham Foundation.

            5.      You feel good knowing you have made a difference.

      Contributions have already started to come in.  You can make your
      contribution at your next group meeting or by sending your donation
      (payable to the Gotham City Networking Foundation Inc.) and suggested
      beneficiary to Fred at the below address.

      Also,  we need volunteers to help us promote and coordinate the
      campaign.  If you are interested in being involved, please contact
      Debbie Lindner at debbie at gothamnetworking.com

      A special thank you to the orignators of this idea (Scott Klein,
      Ester Horowitz, Kevin Zacharoff  -- members of Ben Geizhal's Long
      Island  Healthcare group) for  their creativity and efforts to help
      support the Foundation.

Nancy B. Schess, Esq.
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue - 15th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel: (212) 935-6020 x219
Fax: (212) 753-8101
nschess at kleinzelman.com
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