[Fredslist] Fredslist [Promo]: What Customers Want

Randi Busse randi at workdevgroup.com
Fri Aug 8 16:36:34 EDT 2008

Customers want you to listen to them.  They want you to show them respect
and listen to their needs.  Don't assume you know what they're going to say.
Let them tell you.  And don't interrupt them!


Customers want you to take responsibility.  They want you to own them and
their problem.  Don't pass the buck.  Take care of them the way you would
take care of your grandmother.  See their issue through to completion.  And
then follow up with them and make sure they are happy with the outcome.


Customers want you to pay attention to the details.  They want you to use
their name when speaking to them, and call them back when you say you are
going to.  They want to feel important because they are!


Customers want you to remember it is their time and money.  They don't have
to do business with you; there are other companies they can buy from.
Remember, you are not doing them a favor. They are the reason you are in
business.  To serve them!


Give customers what THEY want, and they'll be sure to come back!  And
they'll tell others to come as well.  And isn't that what WE want?  



Contact Workforce Development Group today for your complimentary customer
service audit to ensure your employees are turning your customers into
"Raving Fans" instead of raving mad!



Randi Busse
Workforce Development Group, Inc.

Customer Service Training & Coaching
 <http://www.workdevgroup.com> www.workdevgroup.com
 <mailto:randi at workdevgroup.com> randi at workdevgroup.com
Tel: 631-598-5598 Fax: 631-598-1988
Partnering with you to turn your customers into raving fans!


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