[Fredslist] Lisa Mueller Nelsien - follow up

janpresent at aol.com janpresent at aol.com
Tue Apr 29 15:04:58 EDT 2008

Thanks to all who congratulated us on closing the deal for Lisa. In answer to a couple of your questions, I did not keep count on how many letters were sent either from Gotham members or others to whom we reached out, but there were quite a few. I would guess at least 50. Whether they ever got into the hands of the CEO remains an unanswered question.

What actually brought T-Mobil around, the so called magic bullet,?is hard to say, but we think it was constant badgering from Dan Schaefer and myself, and at the end a very thinly veiled "suggestion" that we were not just busybodies, but that we actually might have some clout with the media. Then we told the CEO that Lisa was coming to the states (which she did, and is with her parents in Plymouth, MA) and Dan thinks they might have thought she was coming to do press interviews (not so, but what the hell?)

We appealed to them in every way we knew how. The end result is that her nightmare is over. I do agree that we might want to pay-it-forward by sending out a memo suggesting that everyone remember to remove their SIM card from their phones, no matter where they are, if they need to be repaired. It is a good warning for the network to network the immediate world.

Dan is composing a letter which he thinks, and I agree, should be sent to T-Mobil. This will be in the form of a thank-you to them for seeing the light. I will ask everyone who sent a letter of complaint to send that one as well. In the end they did the right thing.

So as the Aussies would say "good on us."

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