[Fredslist] The time has come to help Lisa Mueller Welsien fight T-Mobil publicly

JanPresent at aol.com JanPresent at aol.com
Fri Apr 25 11:19:28 EDT 2008

The saga of Lisa Mueller Welsien's  $7000 bill to T-Mobil has not been  
resolved in spite of many calls and emails to the CEO. Calls and emails to his  
office have gone unreturned. It is now time go  to the media. For the new  
mentors, Lisa taught at the High School for Leadership & Public Service for  five 
years before she married last June, and is beloved by all who know  her.
Many of our Gotham friends  work in the media. Is anyone willing to  approach 
the program director, or whomever is in charge to see whether we can  get 
this story aired? I can fill in all the details but basically, Lisa and  
Kristoffer moved to Nairobi, he works for the UN International Food bank, she is  a 
gifted teacher who is seeking employment. Her cell phone was broken, she took  
it to a local repairman who removed the SIM card, sold it to someone who ran up 
 $7000 in charges. Lisa did not find out about it until the bill  arrived. 
We, her friends, have been in constant contact with T-Mobil and  the best they 
will do is cut it in half, to $3500, which these kids  simply do not have and 
failure to pay could ruin their credit rating for  good. What they do have is 
college and graduate school loans and just enough to  live on and no family in 
a position to help financially. Lisa would like to come  home for a few weeks 
because of a crisis in the family and is reluctant to  purchase an airline 
ticket because of the cost. This is immoral.
T-Mobil deserves to be publicly humiliated and brought to task for their  
lack of compassion. Is anyone willing to go out on a limb with me and try to get  
this story out? Is this really what Gotham is all about, is it our soul? I 
don't  want suggestions about what to do. I really want help in the doing. 

Jane  W. Present
799 Park Avenue
New York,  NY 10021
Phone: 212-988-7602
Fax: 212-988-7315
E-mail  janpresent at aol.com

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