[Fredslist] A public thank you.

Norman Spizz nspizz at spnmusic.com
Thu Feb 1 10:53:11 EST 2007

I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank everyone who donated 
their time, efforts and energy to make last night's event as nice as it was.

Debra Lindner and all the GC's who helped her.
Ed Bienstock, Joe Sciabica  and Steve Krane for their help on the committee.
Joanne Meurer for putting in all those hours to design a great journal.
Lee Kader for printing the Journal
Bob Formica for spending all those hours keeping track of the money.
Michael Millis for gathering and writing all the editorial.
Linda Newman for her work in keeping the "surprise element" and her copy 
for the awards.
Alex Klein for designing the commemorative coin.
Judie Mocerie for producing the coin.
Cayce Crown for her videographing the event.
Richard Lewin for his photography.
Marcus Goldhaber for his great jazz.
Dorothy Allen for her  fantastic efforts coordinating, collecting  and  
handling all the door prizes.
Nancy Schess for being one of the founders of Gotham
Fred Klein for being a founder, for  keeping out of our way and letting 
us do our job. (Most of the time) :-)

In addition to working as hard as they did, they also donated their 
services and products.
I hope that every fellow Gothamite appreciates their help as much as I do. 

If I inadvertently left someone out, please accept my apologies in advance.

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