[Fredslist] Gotham Non-Discrimination Policy - Please Read

Nancy Schess nschess at kzrd.com
Wed Nov 23 23:47:35 EST 2005

Non-Discrimination Policy Statement

As an organization, Gotham is committed to principles of equal treatment
and has not ever, nor will it ever, tolerate discrimination of any kind. We
are pioneers in this networking group, by adding Women's groups, a Gay and
Lesbian group, Diversity, Hispanic and Asian groups, the success of which
have all been remarkable and with respect to which we are very proud. To
further our shared philosophies of non-discrimination, we have formulated
the following policy relating to the use of "fredslist" as well as other
internal Gotham lists.

No Gotham member shall use Gotham's e-mail list, which includes both
Fredslist and the lists of any individual Gotham Group, to solicit on
of a business or organization that has a written statement or policy which
discriminates against any person or group. It is incumbent upon our members
to advise either Fred or Nancy of an organization that violates this
criteria and to provide a copy of the written statement, who in turn will
disseminate the same to Group chairs/Coordinators. If a company or
organization is not known to have such a discriminatory policy and one is
later identified, then solicitation for that company or organization will
no longer be permitted. This policy is not intended to prohibit using the
Gotham lists to solicit or  publicize charitable events associated with
religious institutions on a local basis (i.e. individual house of worship).
This is an evolving policy and may be
changed from time to time.

Fred and Nancy

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