[Fredslist] My daughter Alexandra is missing

Jeanne Anne Norton jeanneanne.norton at verizon.net
Mon Jul 11 08:47:18 EDT 2005

Dear Gothamites:

The following message is from my husband, Ken McGuinness. We are beseeching
any and all assistance.

Jeanne Anne


On Saturday evening, around 7:00 p.m., my daughter Alexandra, age 25, who is
suffering from schizophrenia, left home, which is located in Westport, CT,
for a walk to get some cigarettes. She has not been seen or heard from
since. I was wondering if anyone in the Gotham family might have some
insight or the capacity to be of assistance in some meaningful way. Prayers
are always welcome.
Alexandra is 5¹7² about 110 Lbs. Brown wavy hair, green eyes and fair
complexion. She is wearing khakis shorts, white shirt and new balance
sneakers with the backs cut out. She is also carrying a green knap sack She
has a great smile and is very engaging. She loves NYC and the museums. We
just do not know what resources she may have at her disposal and what her
frame of mind was when she departed her residence.

Attached is a photo of Alexandra I took a few weeks ago.
Any and all help is appreciated.
Ken McGuinness
Albany, NY

Cell: 646-247-8622

Land: 518-482-1261

e-mail: kenneth.mcguinness at verizon.net


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