[Fredslist] sweet cat, Lola, looking for new, loving home

Stephanie Schwab stephanies at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 12:53:57 EST 2005

Hi everyone:

My boyfriend, Adam, and I are finally moving in together (into the
house you might have seen referenced in earlier requests for
contractors, etc.), and unfortunately my 5 1/2 year old cat Lola can't
make the move with us.

Lola and Adam just don't get along - Lola dislikes men, and Adam
dislikes cats.  Adam is willing to put up with my other cat, Joey, but
he just can't live with a cat who hisses at him and tries to scratch
him constantly.  I guess I don't blame him, and I know she'd be
happier too if I could find her a good home with someone loving and

Lola was originally a shelter cat; I got her at 12 weeks and she's
always been somewhat skittish and very much of a scardey-cat, but over
the past 5 1/2 years she's become quite loving and protective of me
(and me alone) - she sleeps right next to my head, sits on my desk
while I work, and sits under the dining room table while I eat.  I
think she'd be happiest in a home with a single woman and no other
pets - though she might be okay in a setting with a couple of female
roommates and perhaps with another (not very agressive) cat (she's
been living with my Joey for nearly four years and tolerates him up to
a point).

She's a very pretty grey tabby, white belly and legs, a bit rotund but
not uncharacteristically so for a spayed cat of her age.  She weighs
about 11 lbs. and is in very good health.

If you're interested in learning more about Lola, or want to see
pictures (or meet her in person/in cat), please let me know.


Stephanie Schwab
stephanies at gmail.com

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