[Fredslist] THANK YOU

Iris Seligman iris at checkmateresources.com
Mon Dec 5 12:38:47 EST 2005

Thanks to everyone who responded regarding my daughter's resume writing
needs. She will be home next week and will contact everyone. I wanted her to
call all of you from school but she explained that to call from her cell
phone would put her "over her minutes!" 

Next point of order. This same wonderful, capable daughter will be home for
6 weeks and is looking for per diem work on the North Shore of Long Island.
She can wait tables, tend bar, sell stuff and will generally help out and be
an asset over the Xmas rush.  If anyone out there needs help, please contact

Thanks in advance.

Happy Holiday,
Iris Seligman
Checkmate Resources
"We Help Your Clients Remember You"
Ph: 516-938-1663

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