[Fredslist] Vote Today for the 2013 Parkinson's Awareness Month T-Shirt – One Day Only

Sharon Klein sklein at skgd.net
Tue Feb 5 13:21:58 EST 2013

Which t-shirt design will be worn by thousands of people this April  
during Parkinson's Awareness Month? You decide!
Vote for the 2013 Parkinson's Awareness Month T-Shirt

PDF's judges have chosen five finalist designs for the Fourth Annual  
Parkinson's Awareness Month T-Shirt Contest. All of the designs were  
created by people who are living with Parkinson's themselves, or who  
have a loved one living with PD.

Now it's your turn to vote. The t-shirt you choose will be available  
for purchase on PDF's online store in March and complimentary at our  
booth at the Parkinson's Unity Walk on Saturday, April 27 in New York,  

Choose your favorite by 11:45 PM ET on Wednesday, February 6. The  
winner will be announced later this week.
Vote Now


P.S.: Remember to order this year’s toolkit, 30 Ways to Raise  
Awareness of Parkinson’s, through our estore or by emailing us at info at pdf.org 
  (with your mailing address) or calling (800) 457-6676.

sharon klein

sharon klein graphic design  | 41 union square west, suite 705 | new  
york, ny 10003
  p 212.645.8163 | f 212.645.8168 | sklein at skgd.net | www.skgd.net

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