[Fredslist] Thank you to Erin Ardleigh...

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Mon Oct 31 16:45:17 EDT 2011

You're welcome!

And here's a nudge to everyone in Gotham to connect with Sharon's firm
on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (where you can see beautiful examples
of her design work)!




Erin Ardleigh

Wechsler Associates, Inc.


eardleigh at wassociatesny.com



From: Sharon Klein [mailto:sklein at skgd.net] 
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:59 PM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Thank you to Erin Ardleigh...


For gently nudging 

sharon klein graphic design 

to connect all our social networking dots (its was easier than we




sharon klein 


sharon klein graphic design  | 41 union square west, suite 705 | new
york, ny 10003  

 p 212.645.8163 | f 212.645.8168 | sklein at skgd.net
<mailto:sklein at skgd.net>  | www.skgd.net <http://www.skgd.net/> 







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