[Fredslist] Young Pro's Meeting November 15th - Mentor Special!

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Mon Nov 7 10:07:42 EST 2011

Hi Everyone,

For our last formal meeting of the year, we have a mentor partnership
special!  Gotham Young Pro Jasmine Briggs and her Mentor Mitch Tublin will
be presenting on the value of coaching from two different angles:  One from
the life coaching perspective, and the other from the executive coaching

We are encouraging Mentor Partners (especially those with Young Pro's as
Mentee's) to come support your Mentor Partner.  As usual we will go around
the room, and there will be food/wine.  The location 485 Madison, 15th
Floor, 7-9pm.

Circuit Riders:  Seats fill up fast, so if you want to come, let me know
before you pay online.  For those who have wanted to attend Young Pro
meetings in the past, this is your chance as we expect it will be a full

More about Jasmine and Mitch:

Jasmine Briggs will discuss Ontological coaching and the importance of
setting goals and having a clear vision. She will explain her coaching
practice and facilitate a creative exercise that will help participants
begin thinking of their life visions and see first hand the benefits of
creative expression.

Jasmine Briggs

Transformational Life Coach

"Coaching and workshops to help you live from your creative spirit"

www.JasmineBriggs.com <http://www.jasminebriggs.com/>

Mitch Tublin will present the value of working with an Executive Coach, a
trusted advisor, a mentor, or whatever you wish to call the person who is
experienced and trained to work with you in a paid coaching capacity.  You
will walk away from this

session with tangible and actionable items for your business or career.

Mitch Tublin

Executive Coach, ICF Certified

Your Navigator For Success in Business and Life


See you there!

 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282
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