[Fredslist] Gothamite in need of some help.

Vincent J. Averaimo v.averaimo at kapusta-otzel.com
Thu Jun 12 11:25:03 EDT 2008

Hello everyone:  I am a fairly new member of the Gotham New Haven.  I hate
to have my first writing on Fred's list be a call for help but I have seen
all of the wonderful assistance people get here and hope that someone may be
able to help me out.  


My sister (28 years old) was living with her Boyfriend, soon to be
ex-boyfriend in the Bronx.  We (our family) recently found out that her
boyfriend is an alcoholic and despite a number rehab visits cannot get
sober.  Obviously my sister loves this guy and was afraid to tell any of us
and ask for help.


Now she finds herself in a situation where she needs to move out.  She has
money to put a down payment on a condo but I just found out that while her
boyfriend was in one of his sober moments, he duped her into being the
primary borrower on one of those Bank of America personal loans that people
will take out to consolidate their debt.  She tells me that the only contact
she had with a Bank of America Rep was over the phone.  He asked for some of
her information and she thought this was some sort of prequalification.  Her
boyfriend is apparently a co-signer on the loan.  Her boyfriend spoke with
the Bank of America rep the whole time.  My sister has found out that
$31,000.00 was directly deposited into her boyfriend's personally, solely
held, checking account.  He apparently paid off his car loan and bought some
jewelry.  She is now stuck paying the crazy monthly payment and was afraid
to tell me and the rest of her family until now. Obviously this is bad for
her credit.  I have litigated against Bank of America in the past but am
only licensed in Connecticut and she lives in New York.


I was wondering if anyone had any contacts with authority at bank of
American that I could talk with civilly to see if this could be taken care
of without any sort of litigation.  I appreciate your help and apologize for
the length of this email.



Vincent J. Averaimo, Esq.

Kapusta & Otzel

250 Broad Street

Milford, CT 06460

(203) 874-6773

(203) 874-5765 - Fax

v.averaimo at kapusta-otzel.com




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